
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


39.03. Diccionarios de tecnicismos. Inglés


Almár, Iván y Elöd Both, «The delimitation problem ‑ Selecting the basic list of terms for an astronautical dictionary», Acta Astronautica, 50, 2 (2002), 83‑88.


Alvar, Manuel, «Sobre el lenguaje de los economistas: desde un léxico particular al inventario común», Revista de Economía, 2 (julio‑septiembre 1989), 111‑114.


Bailey, Richard W., «[Reseña a Bertil Sundby et al. (ed.), A Dictionary of English Normative Grammar, 1700‑1800]», Dictionaries, 15 (1994), 171‑174.


Barefoot, Brian, «Medical Dictionaries. A Personal Choice», Language Monthly, 4 (1984), 18‑19.


Bauland, Peter, «[Reseña a Joel Trapido, An International Dictionary of Theatre Language]», Dictionaries, 7 (1985), 325‑327.


Béjoint, Henri, «[Reseña a: PoliceSpeak, Police Communications and Language, Report. Police Communications and Language, English‑French Lexicon]», International Journal of Lexicography, 7, 4 (Winter 1994), 355‑357.


Bergenholtz, Henning Pedersen ,. Jette, «Grammar un bilingual LSP dictionaries, with a special view to technical English», en Schaeder, Burkhard y Henning Bergenholtz (eds.), Fachlexikographie. Fachwissen und seine Repräsentation in Wörterbüchern, Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 1994, pág. 351‑383. (Forum für Fachsprachen‑Forschung, 23)


Brennan, Michael G., «[Reseña a: Roderick W. McConcie, Lexicography and Physicke. The Record of Sixteenth‑Century English Medical Terminology]», International Journal of Lexicography, 12, 1 (March 1999), 85‑86.


Brinkmann, Karl‑Heinz, «Terminology Data Banks as a bases for high‑quality translation», en COLING '80. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Sept. 30 ‑ Oct. 4, 1980, Tokyo, Tokyo, 1980, pág. 463.


Carpenter, Gladys R., Foreign language‑English dictionaries. 1. Special subject dictionaries with emphasis on science and technology, Library of Congress ‑ Reference Department ‑ General Reference and Bibliography Division, Washington, 1955, VI + 246 p.


Chao Feng et al., «The Compilation of Dictionary of Economics», Lexicographical Studies [Shanghai], 1 (1986).


Coover, James, A bibliography of music dictionaries, Denver Public Library, Denver, 1952, 81 p. (Bibliographical Center for Research. Special bibliographies.


Coover, James, Music lexicography. Including a study of lacunae in music lexicography and a bibliography of music dictionaries, Bibliographical Center for Research ‑ Rocky Mountain Region ‑ Denver Public Library, Denver, 1958, 126 p.


Coover, James, Music lexicography. Including a study of lacunae in music lexicography and a bibliography of music dictionaries, Carlisle Books, Carlisle, 1971, 3rd ed. 175 p.


Crystal, David, «The linguistic identity of English‑language dictionaries of linguistics», Lexicographica, 13 (1997), 17‑33.


Cummings, Philip W., «Dictionaries of Philosophy: A Survey and a Proposal», Dictionaries, 1 (1979), 97‑102.


Dancette, Jeanne, «A Dictionary of Retailing in the Making», en Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the American Translators Association, 1994, pág. 11.


Dancette, Jeanne y M. C. L'Homme, «Modélisation des relations sémantiques dans un dictionnaire spécialisé bilingue», en VIe Journées scientifiques de l'AUPELF‑UREF, Beyrouth, 2001, pág. 385‑399.


Dancette, Jeanne y Christophe Rethore, «Le Dictionnaire bilingue de la distribution: entre dictionnaire de langue et encyclopédie», Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, 42, 2 (1997), 229‑243.


Duvå, G. y A. L. Laursen, «Translation and LSP Lexicography: A User Survey», en Schaeder, Burkhard y Henning Bergenholtz (eds.), Fachlexikographie. Fachwissen und seine Repräsentation in Wörterbüchern, Gunter Narr, Tübingen, 1994, pág. 247‑267. (Forum für Fachsprachen‑Forschung, 23)


Figueroa Revilla, Beatriz, «El inglés como lengua predominante en un diccionario plurilingüe de marketing, publicidad y comunicación», Babel, 8 (otoño 1999), 93‑102.


Fontenelle, Thierry, «[Reseña a] Daniel L. Newman et Marc Van Campenhoudt, Terminologie maritime Terminology. Bruxelles: Éditions du Hazard. 1999. 344 pp. ISBN: 2‑930154‑03‑9», International Journal of Lexicography, 14, 2 (June 2001), 143‑144.


Fuertes‑Olivera, Pedro A. y Marisol Velasco Sacristán, «A critical comparison of the macrostructure and microstructure of two bilingual English‑Spanish dictionaries of economics», International Journal of Lexicography, 14, 1 (March 2001), 31‑55.


Gates, Edward, «The Lexicography of Religious Language: One Editor's Practice», Dictionaries, 15 (1994), 86‑99.


Gémar, J. C., «Langage du droit, dictionnaire bilingue et jurilinguistique. Le cas du Dictionnaire de droit privé. Private law dictionary du Québec: traduire ou exprimer le droit?», en Szende, Thomas (ed.), Les écarts culturels dans les dictionnaires bilingues [3èmes Journées d'études sur la lexicographie bilingue, Paris, 12 et 14 octobre 2000], Honoré Champion, Paris, 2003, (Bibliothéque de l'institut de linguistique française. Études de lexicologie, lexicographie et dictionnairique, 5)


Gill, Marilyn, «The treatment of administrative territorial terms in bilingual dictionaries», Cahiers de lexicologie, 70, 1 (1997), 79‑102.


Gilman, E. W., «[Reseña a: Bertil Sundby, Anne Kari Bj¢rge and Kari E. Haugland, A Dictionary of English Normative Grammar, 1700‑1800]», International Journal of Lexicography, 7, 1 (Spring 1994), 56‑58.


Görlach, Manfred, «[Reseña a] Lexicography and Physicke: The Record of Sixteenth‑Century English Medical Terminology, by R.W. McConchie», Linguistics, 36, 357 (1998), 1021‑1022.


Groffier, Ethel y David Reed, La lexicographie juridique: principes et methodes, Yvon Blais, Montreal, 1990, 151 p.


Guralnik, David B., «[Reseña a M. Schaechter: English‑Yiddish Dictionary of Academic Terminology]», International Journal of Lexicography, 3, 2 (Summer 1990), 146.


Guzmán Esponda, E., «Informe acerca del Diccionario inglés‑español de términos geológicos y geofísicos», Boletín de la Academia Colombiana, 30, 127 (1980), 30‑33.


Hanson, A., «[Reseña a: Steven M. Kaplan, Wiley's English‑Spanish Spanish‑English Dictionary of Psychology and Psychiatry]», Medical Reference Services Quarterly, 18, 2 (1999), 110.


Heather, M. A. y B. N. Rossiter, «Specialist dictionaries in electronic form», Literary and Linguistic Computing, 3, 2 (1988), 109‑121.


Heliel, Mohamed H., «Terminological lexicography. Bilingual dictionaries of linguistic terms (English‑Arabic)», en Snell‑Hornby, Mary (ed.), ZüriLEX'86 proceedings. Papers read at the EURALEX International Congress, University of Zürich, 9‑14 September 1986, Francke‑Verlag, Tubinga, 1988, pág. 299‑306.


Heltai, Pál, «Contrastive Analysis of Terminological Systems and Bilingual Technical Dictionaries», International Journal of Lexicography, 1, 1 (Spring 1988), 32‑40.


Hubbell, Allen Forbes, Russian‑English scientific and technical dictionaries: a survey. Report prepared for the National Science Foundation, s. n., s. l. [New York], 1960, 20 p.


Juan, Maria y Isabel Verdaguer, «Generación de un diccionario especializado combinatorio bilingüe», Anuari de Filologia. Secció A. Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, 21‑22, 9 (1998), 69‑78.


Kleinedler, Steve, «[Reseña a] Ronald D. Kobler, Trevor Meers, and others. Computing Dictionary», Dictionaries, 21 (2000), 136‑142.


Knowles, Francis, «Lexicographical Aspects of Health Metaphors in Financial Text», en Gellerstam, Martin; Jeker Jäborg; Sven‑Göran Malmgren; Kerstin Norén; Lena Rogström y Catarina Röjder Pammehl (eds.), Euralex '96 Proceedings. Papers submitted to the Seventh EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg University ‑ Department of Swedish, Göteborg, 1996.


Kopp, J., «[Reseña a: James Coveney y Sheila J. Moore, Harrap French Business Management Dictionary, 2ª ed.]», Journal of French Language Studies, 9, 2 (1999), 287.


Landau, Sidney I., «Computer Use in Medical Lexicography: IDMB», en Anderson, Yeatman (ed.), Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1981, Indiana State University ‑ The Dictionary Society of North America, Terre Haute [Indiana], 1983, pág. 61‑67.


Manuila, Alexandre (ed.), Progress in medical terminology, Karger, Basel ‑ New York, 1981, 116 p.


Matsukata, J.; T. Hashimoto; J. Kawaguchi; K. Ninomiya y R. Akiba, «International edition of iaa multilingual dictionary coordinated through computer network», Acta Astronautica, 50, 2 (2002), 95‑102.


McCawley, James D., «[Reseña a: David Crystal, A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, 4th ed.]», International Journal of Lexicography, 12, 1 (March 1999), 67‑74.


McConchie, Roderick W., Lexicography and Physichke. The record of sexteenth‑century English medical terminology, Clarendon Press ‑ Oxford University Press, Oxford ‑ New York, 1997, 448 p. (Oxford studies in lexicography and lexicology.


McNaught, John, «Specialised Lexicography in the Context of a British Linguistic Data Bank», en Goetschalckx, J. y L. Rolling (eds.), Lexicography in the Electronic Age. Proceedings of a Sympositum held in Luxembourg, 7‑9 July 1981, North‑Holland, Amsterdam ‑ New York, 1982, pág. 171‑184.


Medical terminology and lexicography. Proceedings of an International Group of Experts convened by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, established under the auspices of Unesco and WHO, Paris, November 15‑17, 1965, Karger, Basel ‑ New York, 1966, 56 p.


Milic, Louis T., «[Reseña a: Chris Baldick, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms]», International Journal of Lexicography, 7, 4 (Winter 1994), 352‑354.


Mourelo, Salvador, «[Reseña a Carlos Garrido, Dicionário terminológico quadrilíngue de zoologia dos invertebrados alemam‑inglês‑espanhol‑galego‑português, s.l., AGAL, 1997]», Agália, 54 (1998), 253‑255.


Mugdan, J., «Grammar in Dictionaries of Languages for Special Purposes (LSP)», Hermes, 3 (1989), 125‑142.


Nielsen, Sandro, The bilingual LSP dictionary. Principles and practice for legal language, Narr Verlag, Tübingen, 1994, 308 p. (Forum für Fachsprachen‑Forschung, 24)


Opitz, K., «Technical dictionaries: testing the requirements of the professional user», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), Dictionaries and their users. Papers from the 1978 B. A. A. L. Seminar on Lexicography, University of Exeter, Exeter, 1979, pág. 89‑95. (Exeter Linguistic Series, 4)


Postigo Pinazo, Encarnación, «Terminología médica y dificultades en su traducción: diccionarios bilingües en inglés y español», en Ayala Castro, Marta C. (coord.), Diccionarios y enseñanza, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 2001, pág. 305‑316. (Ensayos y documentos, 45)


Roe, Keith, «Progress Report on a Dictionary of the Named Theoretical Concepts of Biology», en Michell, Gillian (ed.), Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1979, School of Library and Information Science ‑ University of Western Ontario, London [Ontario], 1981, pág. 31‑38.


Russo, Ada, «A data‑base for the compiling of a philosophical dictionary», en Hamesse, Jacqueline y Antonio Zampolli (eds.), Computers in literary and linguistic computing / L'ordinateur et les recherches littéraires et linguistiques. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference. Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain‑la‑Neuve, 2‑6 avril 1984), 1, Champion ‑ Slatkine, Paris ‑ Genève, 1985, pág. 321‑332. (Travaux de Linguistique Quantitative, 30)


Sell, Lewis L., Practical polyglot technical lexicography and the professional polyglot technician, S. F. Vanni, New York, 1943, 143 p.


Sherman, Brian, «Les dictionaires d'informatique bilingues anglais‑français et français‑anglais», Revue du traducteur, 27 (1983), 5‑12.


Silva Rojas, Terencia y Beatriz Figueroa Revilla, «Anglais‑français: contrastivité dans un dictionnaire de spécialité», en Szende, Thomas, (dir.), Approches contrastives en lexicographie bilingue, Honoré Champion, Paris, 2000, pág. 319‑334. (Bibliothèque de l'INaLF. Études de lexicologie, lexicographie et dictionnairique, 2)


Spears, Richard A., «[Reseña a John Downes and Jordan Elliot Goodman, Dictionary of Finance and Investment Terms]», Dictionaries, 8 (1986), 287‑292.


Spears, Richard A., «[Reseña a Thomas L. Clark, The Dictionary of Gambling and Gaming]», Dictionaries, 10 (1988), 200‑205.


Trapido, Joel, «Theatre Dictionaries: A View from Inside», Dictionaries. Journal of The Dictionary Society of North America, 2‑3 (1980‑81), 106‑115.


Valle Valdés, B. del; H. Mederos Acosta et al., «Citridic: Diccionario de citricultura inglés‑español», Nouvelles de la FIT, 13, 3‑4 (1994), 300‑311.


Webster, Jonathan J., «The Prolex Project», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), LEXeter'83 Proceedings. Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter, 9‑12 September 1983, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1984, pág. 435‑440. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 1)


Whitby, G., «[Reseña a: Sandra Pyne y Allene Tuck, Oxford Dictionary of Computing for Learners of English]», Modern Language Journal, 82, 1 (1998), 129.


Yeo, Richard, «Reading Encyclopedias: Science and the Organization of Knowledge in British Dictionaries of Arts and Sciences, 1730‑1850», ISIS. Journal of the History of Science Society, 82, 311 (1991), 24‑49.


Zgusta, Ladislav, «[Reseña a A[ntonín] Kucera, ed., The Compact Dictionary of Exact Science and Technology. Vol. I, English‑German. 2nd ed., 1989; German‑French, 1991]», Dictionaries, 14 (1992‑93), 168‑173.


Zorn, Jens, «[Reseña a Sybil P. Parker, ed., McGraw‑Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms]», Dictionaries, 10 (1988), 221‑222.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

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