
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


18.03. Diccionarios escolares del inglés


Dictionaries for children and young adults. Reviews prepared by the Reference Books Bulletin Editorial Board, American Library Association, American Library Association, Chicago, 1983, 38 p.


Graham, Alma, «The Making of a Non‑Sexist Dictionary», ETC. A Review of General Semantics, 31 (1974), 57‑64.


Graham, Alma, «The Making of a Non‑Sexist Dictionary», en Thorne, B. y N. Henley (eds.), Language and Sex. Difference and Dominance, Newbury House, Rowley [Mass.], 1975, pág. 57‑63.


Hurt‑Newton, Tania, Dictionary games, Ladybird, Loughborough, 1998, 24 p. (National Curriculum. Key Stage 2.


Ilson, Robert (ed.), Dictionaries, lexicography and language learning, Pergamon Press ‑ The British Council, Oxford ‑ New York ‑ Toronto ‑ Sydney ‑ Frankfurt, 1985, 135 p. (ELT documents, 120)


Ilson, Robert F., «Etymological information: can it help our students?», English Language Teaching Journal, 37, 1 (1983), 76‑82.


Karp, Rashelle y Frances Corcoran, Dictionaries for adults and children, Booklist Publications ‑ American Library Association, Chicago, 1991, 48 p.


Kister, Kenneth F., Kister's best dictionaries for adults & young people. A comparative guide, Oryx Press, Phoenix, 1992, 438 p.


McKean, Erin M., «Biographical Entries in a Children's School Dictionary», Dictionaries, 19 (1998), 158‑187.


Stein, Gabriele, «Towards a theory of lexicography: Principles and/vs. practice in modern English dictionaries», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), LEXeter'83 Proceedings. Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter, 9‑12 September 1983, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1984, pág. 124‑130. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 1)


Thorndike, Edward L., «The psychology of the school dictionary», Bulletin of the School of Education, Indiana University, 4, 6 (1928), 24‑31.


Thorndike, Edward L., «The psychology of the school dictionary», International Journal of Lexicography, 4, 1 (Spring 1991), 15‑22.


Vaeht, Ann Ediger, «An evaluation of the 1952 1962 editions of the Thorndike‑Barnhart Beginning Dictionary», Elementary English, 41, 4 (April 1964), 413‑419.


Whitcut, Janet, «Usage notes in dictionaries: the needs of the learner and the native speaker», en Ilson, Robert (ed.), Dictionaries, lexicography and language learning, Pergamon Press ‑ The British Council, Oxford ‑ New York ‑ Toronto ‑ Sydney ‑ Frankfurt, 1985, pág. 75‑80. (ELT documents, 120)


Yule, Valerie, «Children's dictionaries: spelling and pronunciation», English Today, 17, 1 (1989), 13‑19.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de A Coruña
Campus da Zapateira
15071 A Coruña

  • T. +34 981 167 000, ext. 4703
    F. +34 981 167 151
    lexicogr @ udc . es