
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


17.02.01. Webster's Third


Allen, Harold B.; Margaret M. Bryant; Robert A. (Jr) Hall; Raven A. (Jr) McDavid; John B. Newman; Allen Walker Read y Robert Sonkin, «Webster's Third New International Dictionary: A Symposium», The Quarterly Journal of Speech, 48 (1962), 431‑440.


Anderson, Albert T., «A New Trend in Definition», ETC. A Review of General Semantics, 19 (1962), 349‑360.


Barber, Edwin, «The Treatment of Slang in Webster's Third New International Dictionary», American Speech, 38 (1963), 103‑116.


Chapman, Robert L., «A Working Lexicographer Appraises Webster's Third New International Dictionary», American Speech, 42 (1967), 202‑210.


Chapman, Robert L., «[Reseña a: Herbert Morton, The Story of Webster's Third: Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and Its Critics]», International Journal of Lexicography, 9, 4 (December 1996), 367‑368.


Christensen, Francis, «A Case for Webster's Third», Alumni Review [University of Southern California], (November 1962), 11‑13.


Christensen, Francis, «A Case for Webster's Third», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 22‑25. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Dawkins, John, «Noun Attributives in Webster's Third New English Dictionary», American Speech, 39 (1964), 33‑41.


Dixon, Arthur W., «Dr. Johnson and Emily Post», Greensboro Daily News, (1 April 1962), D3.


Dixon, Arthur W., «Dr. Johnson and Emily Post», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 19‑21. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Drysdale, Patrick, «Lexicography: Statics and Dynamics», Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 14 (1969), 108‑122.


Drysdale, Patrick, «Lexicography: Statics and Dynamics», en Zgusta, Ladislav (ed.), Probleme des Wörterbuchs, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1985, pág. 108‑122. (Wege der Forschung, 612)


Dykema, Karl W., «Cultural lag and reviewers of Webster III», AAUP Bulletin, (Winter 1963), 364‑369.


Dykema, Karl W., «Cultural lag and reviewers of Webster III», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 43‑50. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Evans, Bergen, «But what's a dictionary for?», Atlantic Monthly, (May 1962), 57‑62.


Evans, Bergen, «But what's a dictionary for?», en Wilson, Kenneth G.; R. H. Hendrickson y Peter Alan Taylor, Harbrace guide to dictionaries, Harcourt, Brace & World, New York‑Burlingame, 1963, pág. 194‑204.


Evans, Bergen, «But what's a dictionary for?», en Hogins, J. B. y R. E. Yarber (eds.), Language, Harper, New York, 1969, pág. 212‑223.


Evans, Bergen, «But what's a dictionary for?», en Dean, Leonard F.; Walker Gibson y Kenneth G. Wilson (eds.), The Play of Language, Oxford University Press, New York, 1971, pág. 191‑202.


Evans, Bergen, «Let's stop maligning the dictionary», Chicago Tribune Magazine, (25 August 1963), 42‑43.


Evans, Bergen, «Let's stop maligning the dictionary», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 40‑42. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Finegan, Edward, Attitudes toward English usage. The history of a war of words, Teachers College Press ‑ Columbia University, New York, 1980, 196 p.


Follett, W., «Sabotage in Springfield: Webster's third edition», en Sledd, James y Wilma R. Ebbitt (eds.), Dictionaries and THAT dictionary. A casebook on the aims of lexicographers and the targets of reviewers, Scott‑Foresman, Chicago, 1962, pág. 111‑119.


Follett, W., «Sabotage in Springfield: Webster's third edition», The Atlantic, 209 (1962), 73‑77.


Forgue, Guy Jean, «Les dictionnaires monolingues américains depuis un quart de siècle et le Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Description critique», Lexicographica, 3 (1987), 103‑141.


Gilman, E. W., «Dialect and Other Usage Labels in W3», Dictionaries, 18 (1997), 160‑165.


Gold, David L., «An End to Dictionary‑Bashing or Just a Lull? (On Some Published Reactions to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary)», Dictionaries, 10 (1988), 81‑92.


Gold, David L., «[Reseña a Frederick C. Mish et al., Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary]», Dictionaries, 6 (1984), 200‑234.


Gold, David L., «The Debate over Webster's Third Twenty‑five Years Later: Winnowing the Chaff from the Grain», Dictionaries, 7 (1985), 225‑236.


Gove, Philip B., «Etymology in Webster's Third New International Dictionary», Word, 22 (1966), 7‑82.


Gove, Philip B., «Linguistic Advances and Lexicography», Word Study, 37 (October 1961), 3‑8.


Gove, Philip B., «Linguistic advances in lexicography», en Sledd, James y Wilma R. Ebbitt (eds.), Dictionaries and THAT dictionary. A casebook on the aims of lexicographers and the targets of reviewers, Scott‑Foresman, Chicago, 1962, pág. 65‑74.


Gove, Philip B., «Linguistic advances in lexicography», en Wilson, Kenneth G.; R. H. Hendrickson y Peter Alan Taylor, Harbrace guide to dictionaries, Harcourt, Brace & World, New York‑Burlingame, 1963, pág. 28‑29.


Gove, Philip B., «'Noun often attributive' and 'Adjective'», American Speech, 39 (1964), 163‑175.


Gove, Philip B., «Self‑explanatory words», American Speech, 41 (1966), 182‑198.


Gove, Philip B., «The history of 'Dord'», American Speech, 29 (1954), 136‑138.


Gove, Philip B., «The nonlexical and the encyclopedic», Names, 13 (1965), 103‑115.


Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, 67 p. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Gove, Philip B., «Usage in the Dictionary», College English, 27 (1966), 285‑292.


Gray, Jack C. (ed.), Words, words, and words about dictionaries, Chandler, San Francisco, 1963, 207 p.


Haebler, Ted, «The Reception of the Third New International Dictionary», Dictionaries, 11 (1989), 165‑218.


Hall, Robert A. (Jr.), «Telling the Truth», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 26‑27. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Jackson, Stacy, «Webster's Internet Ready Dictionary & Thesaurus», The Calico Review, 2 (1998),


Joos, Marin, «Definition Theory», en McDavid, Raven I. (Jr) y Audrey R. Duckert (eds.), Lexicography in English, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1973, pág. 221‑243. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 211)


Jost, David, «[Reseña a: Herbert C. Morton. The Story of Webster's Third: Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and its Critics]», Dictionaries, 18 (1997), 190‑197.


Landau, Sidney I., «Little Boy and Little Girl», American Speech, 45 (1970), 195‑204.


Laughlin, Rosematy M., «The predecessors of That dictionary», American Speech, 42 (1967), 105‑113.


Lynch, James J., «Lost causes in English usage», Clearing House [Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey], (February 1963), 365‑367.


Lynch, James J., «Lost causes in English usage», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 28‑30. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


MacDonald, Dwight, «The String Untuned», New Yorker, (10 March 1962), 130‑160.


MacDonald, Dwight, «The String Untuned», en Dean, Leonard F. y G. Wilson Kenneth (eds.), Essays on Language and Usage, Oxford University Press, New York, 1963, pág. 70‑92. 2nd ed.


MacDonald, Dwight, «The String Untuned», en Wilson, Kenneth G.; R. H. Hendrickson y Peter Alan Taylor, Harbrace guide to dictionaries, Harcourt, Brace & World, New York‑Burlingame, 1963, pág. 171‑193.


MacDonald, Dwight, «The String Untunedd», en Sledd, James y Wilma R. Ebbitt (eds.), Dictionaries and THAT dictionary. A casebook on the aims of lexicographers and the targets of reviewers, Scott‑Foresman, Chicago, 1962, pág. 166‑168.


MacFarquhar, Peter D. y Jack C. Richards, «On dictionaries and definitions», RECL Journal. A Journal of Language Teaching and Research in Southeast Asia, 14, 1 (1983), 111‑124.


Malone, Kemp, «Pronunciation in Webster's Third», en Brahmer, M. et al. (eds.), Studies in Language and Literature in Honour of Margaret Schlauch, Warsaw, 1966, pág. 233‑244.


Marckwardt, Albert H., «Dictionaries and the English language», English Journal, 12 (1963), 336‑345.


Marckwardt, Albert H., «Dictionaries and the English language», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 31‑38. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Marckwardt, Albert H., «Lexicographical Method and the Usage Survey», en Scholler, Harald y John Reidy (eds.), Lexicography and Dialect Geography. Festgabe for Hans Kurath, Franz Steiner Verlag, Wiesbaden, 1973, pág. 134‑146. (Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, Beihfte, N. F. 9 der Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung.


Marckwardt, Albert H., «The New Webster Dictionary: a critical appraisal», en Allen, Harold B. (ed.), Readings in Applied English Linguistics, Appleton Century Crofts, New York, 1964, pág. 476‑485. 2nd ed.


McDavid, Raven I. (Jr )., «Dialect labels in the Merriam Third», Papers of the American Dialect Society, 47 (1967), 1‑22.


McDavid, Raven I. (Jr), «False scents and cold trails: the pre‑publication criticism of the Merriam Third», Journal of English Linguistics, 5 (1971), 101‑121.


Miles, Edwin A., «William Allen and the Webster‑Worcester Dictionary Wars», Dictionaries, 13 (1991), 1‑15.


Morris, William, «The Making of a Dictionary ‑ 1969», College Composition and Communication, 20 (1969), 198‑203.


Morton, Herbert C., «Gove's Rationale for Illustrative Quotations in Webster's Third New International», Dictionaries, 11 (1989), 153‑164.


Morton, Herbert C., The story of Webster's third. Philip Gove's controversial dictionary and its critics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ‑ New York, 1994, 332 p.


Morton, Herbert C., The story of Webster's third. Philip Gove's controversial dictionary and its critics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ‑ New York, 1995, New ed. 348 p.


Pooley, Robert C., «Dictionaries and Language Change», en Weiss, Bernard J., (dir.), Language, Linguistics, and School Programs. Proceedings of the Spring Institutes, 1963, of the National Council of Teachers of English. Louisville, Ky., March 3‑9; Atlantic City, N. J., April 21‑27, National Council of Teachers of English, Champaign [Illinois], 1963, pág. 73‑81.


Read, Allen Walker, «That Dictionary or The Dictionary?», Consumer Reports, 28 (1963), 488‑492.


Reed, John Allen [pseudónimo], «A new big dictionary; its virtues and faults», St. Louis Post‑Despatch, (18 December 1966), 4.


Reed, John Allen [pseudónimo], «A new big dictionary; its virtues and faults», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 61‑63. (The Bobbs‑Merrill series in composition and rhetoric, 2)


Roggero, Jacques, «Des Rouges et des lueurs», Sigma [Université Paul Valery, Montpellier], 2 (1977), 147‑170.


Russell, I. W., «Webster's Third New International Dictionary: an essay‑review», en Sledd, James y Wilma R. Ebbitt (eds.), Dictionaries and THAT dictionary. A casebook on the aims of lexicographers and the targets of reviewers, Scott‑Foresman, Chicago, 1962, pág. 221‑226.


Shapiro, Fred R., «Webster's ninth and Historical Lexicography», Dictionaries, 8 (1986), 169‑173.


Sherman, Donald, «A New Computer Format for Webster's Seventh Collegiate Dictionary», Computers and the Humanities, 8 (1974), 21‑26.


Sledd, James y Wilma R. Ebbitt (eds.), Dictionaries and THAT dictionary. A casebook on the aims of lexicographers and the targets of reviewers, Scott‑Foresman, Chicago, 1962, 273 p.


Stephenson, Edward, «Miscellany», American Speech, 42 (1967), 78‑80.


Tyson, A. M., «Exciting new volume», The Parthenon, (November 10th 1961), 3.


Tyson, A. M., «Exciting new volume», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 15‑17. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Weinreich, Uriel, «Webster's Third: A critique of its semantics», International Journal of American Linguistics, 30, 4 (1964), 405‑409.


Weinreich, Uriel, «Webster's Third: A critique of its semantics», en Labov, W. y B. S. Weinreich (eds.), On Semantics, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, 1980, pág. 361‑367.


Williams, Edwin B., «The problem of the lexicographical collocation of phrasal verbs», Babel, 21 (1975), 60.


Williams, Edwin B., «The translator and the bilingual lexicographer», Babel, 21 (1975), 126‑127.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

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