
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


10.02.03. Diccionarios y enseñanza. Inglés


Alexander, Richard, «Fixed expressions in English: reference books and the teacher», ELT Journal, 38 (1984), 127‑134.


Algeo, John, «DARE in the classroom», en Glowka, Wayne y Donald M. Lance (eds.), Language Variation in North American English: Research and Teaching, Modern Language Association, New York, 1993.


Algeo, John, «DARE in the classroom», en Glowka, Wayne y Donald M. Lance (eds.), Language Variation in North American English: Research and Teaching, Modern Language Association, New York, 1995, 2nd ed.


Ard, Josh, «The use of bilingual dictionaries by ESL students while writing», ITL. Review of Applied Linguistics, 58 (1982), 1‑27.


Aresca, N., «Il dizionario monolingue per studenti di inglese (o Learner's Dictionary): che informazioni contiene e come sfruttarle», en Prat Zabregelsky, Maria Teresa (ed.), Dal dizionario ai dizioneri: orientamento e guida all'uso per studenti di lingua inglese, Tirrenia Stampatori, Turin, 1989, pág. 93‑154.


Augst, Gerhard, «New trends in the research on word‑family dictionaries», Studia Anglica Posnaniensia, 25‑27 (1991‑1993), 183‑197.


Béjoint, Henri y André Moulin, «The place of the dictionary on an EFL programme», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 97‑114. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Benson, Morton, «Trying out a new dictionary», TESOL Quarterly, 22, 2 (1988), 340‑345.


Bensoussan, Marsha, «Dictionaries and tests of EFL reading comprehension», English Language Teaching Journal, 37, 4 (1983), 341‑345.


Bratanic, Maja, «La lexicografía bilingüe tradicional frente al conocimiento culturalmente específico», Voz y Letra, 5, 1 (1994), 67‑78.


Bujas, Zeljko, «Testing the performance of a bilingual dictionary on topical current texts», Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, 39 (1975), 193‑204.


Campoy Cubillo, Mari Carmen, «Dictionary Use and Dictionary Needs of Esp Students: An Experimental Approach», International Journal of Lexicography, 15, 3 (September 2002), 206‑228.


Canini, K. M., «Sneaking linguistic into the freshman comp classroom: compiling a «Dictionary of slang»», en Glowka, W. y D. M. Lance (eds.), Language Variation in North American English: Research and Teaching, Modern Language Association, New York, 1995, 2nd ed.


Chi, Man Lai Amy, «Teaching dictionary skills in the classroom», en Fontenelle, Thierry; Philippe Hiligsmann; Archibald Michiels; André Moulin y Siegfried Theissen (eds.), Actes EURALEX '98 Proceedings. Papers Submitted to the Eighth EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Liège, Belgium, II, English and Dutch Departments ‑ University of Liège, Liège, 1998, pág. 565‑577.


Cox, Brian, «Collins Dictionaries lecture: English teaching: The need for reform or the new curriculum», Linguist, 28, 4 (1989), 112‑118.


DeMaria, Robert, Johnson's dictionary and the language of learning, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1986, 303 p.


DeMaria, Robert, Johnson's dictionary and the language of learning, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986, 303 p.


Den Otter, A. G., «Lekker Scrabbling: Discovery and Explotation of Once‑Dutch words in the Oxford English Dictionary», ES, 71, 3 (1990), 261‑271.


Diab, T. A. A., «The role of dictionaries in ESP, with particular reference to student nurses at the University of Jordan. Dissertation University of Exeter», Dissertation abstracts International. Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 50, 10 (April 1990), 3215‑A.


Díaz Jesús y Luis Fernando ,. Velázquez Ahumada, María Irene Rodríguez, «El diccionario como material de referencia múltiple para el aprendizaje del inglés como L2», Elia. Estudios de lingüística inglesa aplicada, 4 (2003), 51‑68.


Ducroquet, Lucile, «Are bilingual dictionaries useful linguistic tools?», Language Learning Journal, 9 (1994), 48‑51.


Eastment, D., «Survey review: CD‑ROM materials for English language teaching», ELT Journal, 50, 1 (1996), 69‑79.


Fernández de la Torre Madueño, Mª Dolores, «Uso de los diccionarios y posibilidades pedagógicas en la enseñanza de segundas lenguas. El caso de filología inglesa», en Ayala Castro, Marta C. (coord.), Diccionarios y enseñanza, Universidad de Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 2001, pág. 275‑285. (Ensayos y documentos, 45)


Fischer, Ute, «Learning words from context and dictionaries: an experimental comparison», Applied Psycholinguistics, 15, 4 (1994), 551‑574.


Garrudo Carabias, Francisco, «El diccionario, arma de doble filo: la información gramatical», en Castillo Carballo, M.ª Auxiliadora; Olga Cruz Moya; Juan Manuel García Platero y Juan Pablo Mora Gutiérrez (coord.), Las gramáticas y los diccionarios en la enseñanza del español como segunda lengua: deseo y realidad. Actas del XV Congreso Internacional de ASELE. Sevilla 22‑25 de septiembre de 2004, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, 2005, pág. 40‑52. (Actas, 53)


Glowka, Wayne; Keith C. Hendrix; Brenda K. Lester; Elijah Scott y John M. Sirmans, «Among the New Words as an Editing Project in a Methods of Research Class», Dictionaries, 21 (2000), 100‑108.


González, Orsini, «Building vocabulary: Dictionary consultation and the ESL student», Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 43, 3 (1999), 264‑271.


Griffin, Pamela J., Dictionaries in the E.S.L. Classroom, Carbondale, Illinois, 1985.


Hartmann, R. R. K., Vocabulary learning and German‑English lexicography, University of Exeter, Exeter, 1985.


Herbst, Thomas, «On the way to the perfect learners' dictionary: a first comparison of OALD5, LDOCE3, COBUILD2 and CIDE», International Journal of Lexicography, 9, 4 (December 1996), 321‑357 + Appendix (4 pág.).


Hill, Archibald A., «The use of dictionaries in language teaching», Language Learning, 1 (1948), 9‑13.


Hill, Archibald A., «The use of dictionaries in language teaching», en Allen, Harold B. (ed.), Readings in Applied English Linguistics, Appleton Century Crofts, New York, 1964, pág. 439‑443. 2nd ed.


Hill, C. P., «Alternatives to dictionaries», en Ilson, Robert (ed.), Dictionaries, lexicography and language learning, Pergamon Press ‑ The British Council, Oxford ‑ New York ‑ Toronto ‑ Sydney ‑ Frankfurt, 1985, pág. 115‑121. (ELT documents, 120)


Howarth, Peter Andrew, Phraseology in English Academic Writing. Some Implications for Language Learning and Dictionary Making, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1996, 230 p. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 75)


Hulstijn, Jan H.; Merel Hollander y Tine Greidanus, «Incidental vocabulary learning by advanced foreign‑language students: The influence of marginal glosses, dictionary use, and reoccurrence of unfamiliar words», The Modern Language Journal, 80, 3 (1996), 327‑339.


Hurt‑Newton, Tania, Dictionary games, Ladybird, Loughborough, 1998, 24 p. (National Curriculum. Key Stage 2.


Ilson, Robert, «[Reseña a:] B. T. Sue Atkins (ed.), Using Dictionaries: Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators. (Lexicographica Series Maior 88.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1998. 214 pages [...]», International Journal of Lexicography, 14, 1 (March 2001), 80‑83.


Jain, Mahavir P., «On meaning in the foreign learner's dictionary», Applied Linguistics, 2, 3 (1981), 274‑286.


Jolliffe, Wendy; Carolyn Jones y Sarah Warburton, Dictionary skills KS2, Scholastic, Leamington Spa, 2001, 64 p. (Ready to go.


Kettemann, Bernhard, «On the Use of Concordancing in ELT», Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 20, 1 (1995), 29‑42.


Kilgarriff, Adam, «Putting frequencies in the dictionary», International Journal of Lexicography, 10, 2 (June 1997), 135‑155.


Laplanche, G.; A. Michiels y A. Moulin, «Computer‑produced and computer‑marked vocabulary tests based in LDOCE», en Lutjeharms, M. y T. Culhane (eds.), Practice and problems in language testing, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, 1982.


Lawley, James, A Theoretical Framework for the Design of a new Kind of Materials for Students of English as a Foreign Language using Entries in the Collins Cobuild English Dictionary, UNED [Tesis doctoral inédita], Madrid, 1997.


Luppescu, Stuart y Richard R. Day, «Reading, dictionaries, and vocabulary learning», Language Learning, 43, 2 (1993), 263‑287.


Marckwardt, Albert H., «The dictionary as an English teaching resource», TESOL Quarterly, 7, 4 (1973), 369‑379.


Martino, Giovanni de, «Il dizionario bilingue come componente dell'insegnamento glottodidattico», en Leoni, Federico Albano y Nicola De Blasi (eds.), Lessico e semantica. Atti del XII Congreso Internazionale di Studi, Sorrento, 19‑21 maggio 1978, 1, Bulzoni, Roma, 1981, pág. 161‑181. (Pub. della Società di Linguistica Italiana, 17)


McKeown, Margaret, «Learning word meanings from definitions. Problems and potential», en Schwanenflugel, Paula (ed.), The psicology of word meanings, Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale [NJ], 1991, pág. 137‑156.


Mitchell, Evelyn, Search‑do Reading: Difficulties in using a dictionary, Aberdeen College of Education, Aberdeen, 1983, (Formative Assessment of Reading Strategies in Secondary Schools ‑ Working Paper, 21)


Mitchell, Evelyn, Search‑do Reading: Using a dictionary. A Preliminary Analysis, Aberdeen College of Education, Aberdeen, 1983, 24 p. (Formative Assessment of Reading Strategies in Secondary Schools ‑ Working Paper, 20)


Nation, P., «Dictionaries and language learning», en Tickoo, Makhan L. (ed.), Learners' Dictionaries. State of the Art, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore, 1989, pág. 65‑71. (Anthology Series, 23)


Nesi, Hilary, «Go away and look it up!», Revue de Phonétique Appliquée, 103‑104 (1992), 195‑210.


Nesi, Hilary, «[Reseña a:] Yukio Tono: Research on Dictionary Use in the Context of Foreign Language Learning. Focus on Reading Comprehension. Tübingen, (Lexicographica. Series Maior 106.) Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2001. 257 pp.», International Journal of Lexicography, 15, 3 (September 2002), 251‑252.


Nesi, Hilary y Paul Meara, «How using dictionaries affects performance in multiple‑choice EFL tests», Reading in a Foreign Language, 8, 1 (1991), 631‑643.


Noriega, Juan, Usos didácticos del diccionario. a) español, b) inglés, Escuela Española, Madrid, 1997, 66 p. (Colección Guía escolar, 6)


Prat Zabregelsky, Maria Teresa (ed.), Dal dizionario ai dizioneri: orientamento e guida all'uso per studenti di lingua inglese, Tirrenia Stampatori, Turin, 1989.


Quirk, Randolph, «The image of the dictionary», en Quirk, Randolph, The linguist and the English language, Edward Arnold, London, 1974, pág. 148‑163.


Quirk, Randolph, «The social impact of dictionaries in the UK», en McDavid, Raven I. (Jr) y A. R. Duckert (eds.), Lexicography in English, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1973, pág. 76‑88. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 211)


Rizo Rodríguez, Alfonso, «Teaching dictionary using skills: outline of a syllabus», GRETA, 0 (1993), 10‑14.


Ronald, Jim, «[Reseña a:] Research on dictionary use in the context of foreign language learning: focus on reading comprehension ‑ Yukio Tono. Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen, 2001, xii+257 pp.», System, 30, 2 (2002), 251‑253.


Sánchez Ramos, M.ª del Mar, «El uso del diccionario en formato papel y online como estrategia de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (inglés)», Interlingüística [Alacant], 13, III (2002), 339‑349.


Sanfort, María Pilar y Mari Carmen Campoy, «Request in learner's dictionaries: Their role in foreign language users' pragmatic competence and meta‑pragmatic awateness», Elia. Estudios de lingüística inglesa aplicada, 3 (2002), 139‑156.


Santfort, Mª Pilar y Mª Carmen Campoy, «Request in learner's dictionaries: Their role in foreign language users' pragmatic competence and metapragmatic awareness», Elia. Estudios de Lingüística Inglesa Aplicada, 3 (2002), 139‑156.


Schneider, Klaus P., «[Reseña a: B. T. S. Atkins,] Using Dictionaries: Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators», System, 29, 1 (2001), 153‑158.


Scholfield, Phil, «Using the English dictionary for comprehension», TESOL Quarterly, 16, 2 (June 1982), 185‑194.


Stein, Gabriele, «EFL Dictionaries, the teacher and the student», JALT Journal, 11, 1 (1989), 36‑45.


Stein, Gabriele, «Ilustrations in Dictionaries», International Journal of Lexicography, 4, 2 (Summer 1991), 99‑127.


Thompson, Geoff, «Using bilingual dictionaries», English Language Teaching Journal, 41, 4 (1987), 282‑286.


Tickoo, Makhan L., «Which dictionary and why? Exploring some options», en Tickoo, Makhan L. (ed.), Learners' Dictionaries. State of the Art, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore, 1989, pág. 184‑203. (Anthology Series, 23)


Tono, Y., «Which Word Do You Look Up First? A Study of EFL Learners' Idiom Look‑Up Operations», Bulletin of the Kanto‑Koshin‑Etsu English Language Education Society, 2 (January 1988).


Tono, Yukio, «Can a dictionary help one read better?», en James, Gregory (ed.), Lexicographers and their works, University of Exeter, Exeter, 1989, pág. 192‑200. (Exeter Linguistic Studies, 14)


Tono, Yukio, Can a dictionary help you read better? On the Relationship Between EFL Learners' Dictionary Reference Skills and Reading Comprehension, /tono/ serstudy/ help1989.html .


Tono, Yukio, Research on dictionary use in the context of foreign language learning: focus on reading comprehension, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2001, 257 p. (Lexicographica. Series maior, 106)


Underhill, Adrian, «Working with the monolingual learners' dictionary», en Ilson, Robert (ed.), Dictionaries, lexicography and language learning, Pergamon Press ‑ The British Council, Oxford ‑ New York ‑ Toronto ‑ Sydney ‑ Frankfurt, 1985, pág. 103‑114. (ELT documents, 120)


Vila de la Cruz, Mª Purificación y Ana Mª Roldán Riejos, «Thesaurus: expression and creation», en Otal, José Luis; Inmaculada Fortanet y Victòria Codina (eds.), Estudios de lingüística aplicada, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura ‑ Universitat Jaume I ‑ BP Oil ‑ Bancaixa, Castelló de la Plana, 1997, pág. 809‑814. (Col.lecció Summa, Sèrie Filologia, 8)


Whitcut, Janet, Learning with the LDOCE, Longman, London, 1979.


Whitcut, Janet, «The training of dictionary users», en Ilson, Robert F. (ed.), Lexicography. An emerging international profession, Manchester University Press ‑ Fulbright Commission, Manchester ‑ London, 1986, pág. 111‑122. (The Fulbright Papers: Proceedings of Colloquia, I)


Wright, Jon, «Using dictionaries in clas: resource or reference?», English Teaching Professional, 3 (1997), 22‑27.


Wright, Thomas Goddard, Exercises in the use of the dictionary, American book company, New York ‑ Cincinnati, 1918, 32 p.


Yorkey, Richard, «Which desk dictionary is best for foreign students of English?», TESOL Quarterly, 3, 3 (1969), 257‑270.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de A Coruña
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    lexicogr @ udc . es