
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


10.01.05. Utilización de diccionarios de otras lenguas


Al‑Ajmi, Hashan, «Which Microstructural Features of Bilingual Dictionaries Affect Users' Look‑Up Performance?», International Journal of Lexicography, 15, 2 (June 2002), 119‑131.


Battaner, M. Paz, «L'ús dels diccionaris escolars», Caplletra [València], 17 (1994), 109‑124.


Bogaards, Paul, «[Reseña a:] Ursula Wingate: The Effectiveness of Different Learner Dictionaries. An Investigation into the Use of Dictionaries for Reading Comprehension by Intermediate Learners of German. Tübingen, (Lexicographica. Series Maior 112.) Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2002. x + 301 pp. 3‑484‑39112‑X», International Journal of Lexicography, 16, 2 (June 2003), 200‑201.


Boukreeva, Tatiana, «Vers un dictionnaire informatisé d'apprentissage», Les Langues Modernes, 90, 2 (1996), 58‑67.


Bujas, Zeljko, «Testing the performance of a bilingual dictionary on topical current texts», Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, 39 (1975), 193‑204.


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Gates, John Edward, An analysis of the lexicographical resources used by American biblical scholars today, Society of Biblical Literature, Missoula [Montana], 1972, 175 p. (Dissertation Series, 8)


Knowles, Francis E., «Dictionaries for the advanced learners and users of foreign languages», Verbatim, XIX, III (1993), 13‑16.


Li, Lan, «Dictionaries and their users in Chinese universities: with special reference to ESP learners», en McArthur, Tom y Ilan Kernerman (eds.), Lexicography in Asia. Selected Papers from the Dictionaries in Asia Conference, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 1997, and Other Papers, Password Publishers, Tel Aviv, 1998, pág. 61‑79.


Martino, Giovanni de, «Il ruolo dei processi psico‑socio‑culturo‑mentali nell'uso del dizionario bilingue, con particolare riguardo al dizionario inglese‑italiano e viceversa», Rucherche interdisciplinari di glottodidattica, 12 (settembre‑dicembre 1986), 3‑79.


McCreary, Don R., «Vygotskyan theory applied to Japanese‑English lexicography», Resources in Education, (July 1989), 1‑14.


Nencioni, Giovanni, «The Dictionary as an Aid in Belles Lettres», en Hausmann, Franz Josef; Oskar Reichmann; Ernst Wiegand y Ladislav Zgusta (eds.), Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Enciclopédie internationale de lexicographie, 1, De Gruyter, Berlin‑New York, 1989, pág. 146‑151.


Nishimura, Tadamasa, «Japanese Learners' Problems in Using English‑Japanese Dictionaries», en Gottlieb, Henrik; Jens Erik Mogensen y Arne Zettersten (eds.), Symposium on Lexicography X. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Lexicography May 4‑6, 2000 at the University of Copenhagen, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2002, pág. 243‑251. (Lexicographica. Series maior, 109)


Nuccorini, Stefania, «On dictionary misuse», en Martin, Willy; W. Meijs; M. Moerland; E. ten Pas; P. van Sterkenburg y P. Vossen (eds.), Euralex 1994 proceedings. Papers submitted to the 6th Euralex International Congress on Lexicography in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1994, pág. 586‑597.


Otani, Yoshiaki, «Who Uses English‑Japanese Dictionaries and When? Their Bidirectional Working», en Gottlieb, Henrik; Jens Erik Mogensen y Arne Zettersten (eds.), Symposium on Lexicography X. Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Lexicography May 4‑6, 2000 at the University of Copenhagen, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2002, pág. 267‑272. (Lexicographica. Series maior, 109)


Rasmussen, Jens, «Enquête sur l'emploi du dictionnaire danois‑français de Blinkenberg et H¢ybye», en [AAVV], Copenhagen School of Economics and Business Administration Language Department. Publication No. 7, Copenhagen School of Economics and Business Administration Language Department, Copenhagen, 1985, pág. 130‑154.


Sora, F., «A study of the use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries by Italian students of English», Papers on Work in Progress, 12 (1984), 40‑46.


Taylor, A. y A. Chan, «Pocket electronic dictionaries and their use», en Martin, Willy; W. Meijs; M. Moerland; E. ten Pas; P. van Sterkenburg y P. Vossen (eds.), Euralex 1994 proceedings. Papers submitted to the 6th Euralex International Congress on Lexicography in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1994, pág. 598‑606.


Tebé, C. y M. Lorente, «Lexicografia i correcció: la funció dels diccionaris en la correcció de textos», Caplletra [València], 17 (1994), 291‑310.


Varantola, Krista, «Translators and their Use of Dictionaries: User Needs and User Habits», en Atkins, B. T. Sue (ed.), Using Dictionaries. Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1998, pág. 179‑192. (Lexicographica. Series maior, 88)


Waite, Maurice, «[Reseña a] Gerhard Augst, Volker Bunse, Andrea Höppner, Roswitha Rusert, Sebastian Schmidt, and Frank‑Martin Sünkel. Rechtschribwörterbücher im Test. )Lexicographica, Series Maior, 78.) Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag. 1997. xi+256 pages [...]», International Journal of Lexicography, 13, 1 (March 2000), 42‑46.


Wingate, Ursula, The effectiveness of different learner dictionaries. An investigation into the use of dictionaries for reading comprehension by intermediate learners of German, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 2002, 301 p. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 112)

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de A Coruña
Campus da Zapateira
15071 A Coruña

  • T. +34 981 167 000, ext. 4703
    F. +34 981 167 151
    lexicogr @ udc . es