
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


19.01. Diccionarios de aprendizaje. Generalidades


Atkins, B. T. Sue, «Introduction», en Atkins, B. T. Sue (ed.), Using Dictionaries. Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1998, pág. 1‑5. (Lexicographica. Series maior, 88)


Atkins, B. T. Sue (ed.), Using Dictionaries. Studies of Dictionary Use by Language Learners and Translators, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1998, 214 p. (Lexicographica. Series maior, 88)


Béjoint, Henri, «The value of the dictionary in vocabulary acquisition», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 97‑104. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Binon, Jean y Serge Verlinde, «La contribution de la lexicographie pédagogique à l'apprentissage et à l'enseignement d'une langue étrangère ou seconde», Études de Linguistique Appliquée, 116 (1999), 453‑468.


Bogaards, P. aul ]., «Dictionnaires pédagogiques et apprendissage du vocabulaire», Cahiers de lexicologie, 59, II (1991), 93‑167.


Bogaards, Paul, «Models of Dictionary Use», en Dutch Contributions to AILA '93 Selected in Gonour of Johan Matter, Free University, Amsterdam, 1993, pág. 17‑28.


Bruton, Anthony (ed.), «Special issue. Lexical reference books», International Journal of Lexicography, 12, 1 (March 1999).


Burridge, Shirley y Max Adam, Using a learner's dictionary in the classroom, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1985.


Channell, Joanna M., «Vocabulary acquisition and the mental lexicon», en Tomaszczyk, Jerzy y Barbara Lewandowska‑Tomaszczyk (eds.), Meaning and Lexicography, John Benjamins Publishing Co., Amsterdam‑Philadelphia, 1990, pág. 21‑30. (Linguistic & Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, 28)


Cowie, A. P., «Lexicography and its pedagogic applications. An introduction», Applied Linguistics, 2, 3 (1981), 203‑206.


Cowie, A. P., «The place of illustrative material and collocations in the design of a learner's dictionary», en Strevens, Peter (ed.), In honour of A. S. Hornby, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1978, pág. 127‑139.


Cowie, A. P., «The treatment of polisemy in the design of a learner's dictionary», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), Dictionaries and their users. Proceedings of the 1978 BAAL Seminar on Lexicography, University of Exeter, Exeter, 1979, pág. 82‑88. (Exeter Linguistic Series, 4)


Cowie, Anthony, «Introduction», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 1‑8. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Drysdale, P. D., «The role of examples in a learner's dictionary», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 213‑223. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Elligård, Alvar, «On dictionaries for language learners», Moderna Språk, 72, 3 (1978), 225‑242.


Fernández de Bobadilla, Natividad, «El diccionario como instrumento de apoyo en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua», en Martínez González, A.; P. Barros García; J. A. de Molina Redondo y J. M. Becerra Hiraldo (eds.), Aspectos de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, Universidad de Granada, Granada, 1997, pág. 183‑189.


Fox, Gwyneth, «A Vocabulary for Writing Dictionaries», en Tickoo, Makhan L. (ed.), Learners' Dictionaries. State of the Art, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore, 1989, pág. 153‑171. (Anthology Series, 23)


Galisson, Robert, «Entrer en langue/culture par les mots. Esquisse d'un modèle d'organisation et de description des contenus lexico‑culturels d'enseignement/apprentissage», en Actas do colóquio de lexicologia e lexicografia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisboa, 1991.


Geens, D., «The role of computers in the making of a pedagogical dictionary», Rapport d'activités de l'Institut de Phonétique [Louvain], 20 (1985), 57‑65.


Hadar, Linor y Batia Laufer, «Assesing the effectiveness of monolingual, bilingual, and "bilingualised" dictionaries in the comprehension and production of new words», The Modern Language Journal, 81, 2 (1997), 189‑196.


Hartmann, R. R. K., «Dictionaries across cultures: monolingual or interlingual?», en Fernández‑Barrientos Martín, Jorge y Celia Wallhead (eds.), Temas de lingüística aplicada, Universidad de Granada, Granada, 1995, pág. 53‑62.


Hartmann, R. R. K., «Four perspectives on dictionary use: a critical review of research methods», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 11‑28. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Hartmann, R. R. K., «Lexicography as an applied linguistic discipline», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), Solving Language Problems. From General to Applied Linguistics, Exeter University Press, Exeter, 1996, pág. 230‑244. (Exeter Linguistic Studies, 20)


Hartmann, R. R. K., «The bilingual learner's dictionary and its uses», Multilingua. Journal of cross cultural and interlanguage communication, 2, 4 (1983), 195‑201.


Hartmann, Reinhard, «Lexical reference books. What are the issues?», International Journal of Lexicography, 12, 1 (March 1999), 5‑12.


Hartmann, Reinhard R. K., «Pedagogical lexicography: some desiderata», en Dirven, René y Johan Vanparys (eds.), Current approaches to the lexicon. A selectrion of papers presented at the 18th LAUD symposium, Duisburg, March 1993, Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, 1995, pág. 405‑411.


Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf Karl, «Bilingualised Versions of Learners' Dictionaries», Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen, 23 (1994), 206‑220.


Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf Karl, «Learners' References: From the Monolingual to the Bilingual Dictionary», en Tommola, Hannu; Krista Varantola; Tarja Salmi‑Tolonen y Jürgen Schopp (eds.), Euralex '92 Proceedings. Papers submitted to the 5th EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Tampere, Finland, 4‑9 August 1992, I, Department of Translation Studies ‑ University of Tampere, Tampere, 1992, pág. 63‑70. (Studia translatologica. Serie A, 2)


Hartmann, Reinhard Rudolf Karl, «The Dictionary as an Aid to Foreign‑Language Teaching», en Hausmann, Franz Josef; Oskar Reichmann; Ernst Wiegand y Ladislav Zgusta (eds.), Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Enciclopédie internationale de lexicographie, 1, De Gruyter, Berlin‑New York, 1989, pág. 181‑189.


Hayward, Timothy y André Moulin, «False friends invigorated», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), LEXeter'83 Proceedings. Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter, 9‑12 September 1983, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1984, pág. 190‑198. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 1)


Herbst, Thomas y Gabriella Stein, «Dictionary‑using skills: a plea for a new orientation in language teaching», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 115‑127. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Humble, Philippe, «The use of Authentic, Made‑up, and "Controlled" Examples in Foreign Language Dictionaries», en Fontenelle, Thierry; Philippe Hiligsmann; Archibald Michiels; André Moulin y Siegfried Theissen (eds.), Actes EURALEX '98 Proceedings. Papers Submitted to the Eighth EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Liège, Belgium, II, English and Dutch Departments ‑ University of Liège, Liège, 1998, pág. 593‑599.


Ilson, Robert (ed.), Dictionaries, lexicography and language learning, Pergamon Press ‑ The British Council, Oxford ‑ New York ‑ Toronto ‑ Sydney ‑ Frankfurt, 1985, 135 p. (ELT documents, 120)


Ilson, Robert, «Ilustrations in dictionaries», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 193‑212. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Jain, Mahavir P., «On meaning in the foreign learner's dictionary», Applied Linguistics, 2, 3 (1981), 274‑286.


Kipfer, Barbara Ann, «Dictionaries and the intermediate student: communicative needs and the development of user reference skills», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 44‑54. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Landau, Sidney, «Review article: Approaches to meaning and their uses in lexicography», Dictionaries, 13 (1991), 91‑114.


Laufer, Batia y Linor Melamed, «Monolingual, bilingual and "bilingualized" dictionaries: Which are more effective for what and for whom?», en Martin, Willy; W. Meijs; M. Moerland; E. ten Pas; P. van Sterkenburg y P. Vossen (ed.), Euralex 1994 proceedings. Papers submitted to the 6th Euralex International Congress on Lexicography in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1994, pág. 565‑576.


Lemnitzer, Lothar; Stephen F. Noreiko y Jean‑Claude Rolland, «From Dicofle to Demosten: the evolution of a lexis‑grammar to a multilingual, electronic dictionary for language learners», Computer Assisted Language Learning, 11, 5 (1999), 587.


Léonet, Guy, «La pluridisponibilité et certaines de ses applications en lexicographie», La Linguistique, 17, 2 (1981), 79‑98.


Lurquin, G., «The orthophonic dictionary», en Goetschalckx, J. y L. Rolling (eds.), Lexicography in the Electronic Age. Proceedings of a Sympositum held in Luxembourg, 7‑9 July 1981, North‑Holland, Amsterdam‑New York, 1982, pág. 99‑107.


Martin, Willy y Bernard P. F. Al, «User‑orientation in dictionaries: 9 propositions», en Magay, Tamás y Judit Zigány (eds.), BudaLEX '88 Proceedings. Papers from the 3rd International EURALEX Congress, Budapest, 4‑9 September 1988, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1990, pág. 393‑399.


McCreary, Don R. y F. T. Dolezal, «Language Learners and Dictionary Users: Bibliographic Findings and Commentary», en Fontenelle, T.; P. Hiligsmann; A. Michiels; A. Moulin y S. Theissen (eds.), Actes EURALEX '98 Proceedings. Papers Submitted to the Eighth EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Liège, Belgium, II, English and Dutch Departments ‑ University of Liège, Liège, 1998, pág. 611‑618.


Minjar Belorucheva, A. P. y S. V. Grinyov, «On the Problem of Selection of Historical Terms for a Learners' Dictionary», Neoterm, 13‑16 (1991), 45‑50.


Moulin, André, «The dictionary and encoding tasks», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 105‑114. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Nesi, Hilary, «A user's guide to electronic dictionaries for language learners», International Journal of Lexicography, 12, 1 (March 1999), 55‑66.


Neubauer, Fritz, «How to Define a Defining Vocabulary», en Ilson, Robert (ed.), A spectrum of lexicography. Papers from AILA Brussels 1984, John Benjamins, Amsterdam ‑ Philadelphia, 1987, pág. 49‑59.


Neubauer, Fritz, «The language of explanation in monolingual dictionaries», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), LEXeter'83 Proceedings. Papers from the International Conference on Lexicography at Exeter, 9‑12 September 1983, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1984, pág. 117‑123. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 1)


Opitz, K., «Dictionaries in language learning: What they can and what they can't do», en Hyldgaard‑Jensen, Karl y Arne Zettersten (eds.), Symposium on Lexicography III. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Lexicography, May 14‑16, 1986, at the University of Copenhagen, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1988, pág. 517‑528. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 19)


Rundell, Michael, «Changing the rules: Why the monolingual learner's dictionary should move away from the native‑speaker tradition», en Snell‑Hornby, Mary (ed.), ZüriLEX'86 proceedings. Papers read at the EURALEX International Congress, University of Zürich, 9‑14 September 1986, Francke Verlag, Tübingen, 1988, pág. 127‑137.


Scholfield, P., «Vocabulary Reference Works in Foreign Language Learning», en McCarthy, M. Schmitt ,. N. (eds.), Vocabulary: Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1997.


Slagter, Peter Jan, «Diccionarios bilingües para hablantes no nativos», en Actas del Congreso Internacional de AESLA, Granada, 1993.


Slagter, Peter Jan, «Diccionarios bilingües y monolingües para extranjeros. Apuntes de un usuario», en Cabré, M. Teresa y Cristina Gelpí (eds.), Cicle de conferències 97‑98. Lèxic, corpus i diccionaris, Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada‑Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2000, pág. 31‑72 [‑socrates/iul.htm ].


Snell‑Hornby, Mary, «Towards a learner's bilingual dictionary», en Cowie, Anthony (ed.), The Dictionary and the Language Learner. Papers from the EURALEX Seminar at the University of Leeds, 1‑3 April 1985, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1987, pág. 159‑170. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 17)


Tomaszczyk, Jerzy, «Issues and developments in bilingual pedagogical lexicography», Applied Linguistics, 2, 3 (1981), 287‑296.


Zgusta, Ladislav, «Idle Thoughts of an idle fellow; or, Vaticinations on the learner's dictionary», en Tickoo, Makhan L. (ed.), Learners' Dictionaries. State of the Art, SEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore, 1989, pág. 1‑9. (Anthology Series, 23)


Zöfgen, Ekkehard, «Bilingual Learner's Dictionaries», en Hausmann, Franz Josef; Oskar Reichmann; Ernst Wiegand y Ladislav Zgusta (eds.), Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Enciclopédie internationale de lexicographie, 3, De Gruyter, Berlin‑New York, 1991, pág. 2888‑2903.


Zöfgen, Ekkehard, Lernerwörterbücher in Theorie und Praxis, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1994, (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 59)

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de A Coruña
Campus da Zapateira
15071 A Coruña

  • T. +34 981 167 000, ext. 4703
    F. +34 981 167 151
    lexicogr @ udc . es