
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


09.03. Diccionarios en la sociedad. Diccionarios del inglés


Algeo, John, «Dictionaries as Seen by Educated Public in Great Britain and the USA», en Hausmann, Franz Josef; Oskar Reichmann; Ernst Wiegand y Ladislav Zgusta (eds.), Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Enciclopédie internationale de lexicographie, 1, De Gruyter, Berlin‑New York, 1989, pág. 28‑34.


Algeo, John, «The Image of the Dictionary in the Mass Media: USA», en Hausmann, Franz Josef; Oskar Reichmann; Ernst Wiegand y Ladislav Zgusta (eds.), Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Enciclopédie internationale de lexicographie, 1, De Gruyter, Berlin‑New York, 1989, pág. 34‑38.


Allen, Harold B.; Margaret M. Bryant; Robert A. (Jr) Hall; Raven A. (Jr) McDavid; John B. Newman; Allen Walker Read y Robert Sonkin, «Webster's Third New International Dictionary: A Symposium», The Quarterly Journal of Speech, 48 (1962), 431‑440.


Avis, Walter S., «Trade Names, Lexicographers, and the Law», en Michell, Gillian (ed.), Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1979, School of Library and Information Science ‑ University of Western Ontario, London [Ontario], 1981, pág. 1‑11.


Bailey, Richard W., «The OED and the public», en Mugglestone, Lynda (ed.), Lexicography and the OED. Pioneers in the untrodden forest, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.


Bailey, Richard W., «"This unique and peerless specimen": the reputation of the OED», en Mugglestone, Lynda (ed.), Lexicography and the OED. Pioneers in the untrodden forest, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2000.


Benson, Phil, Ethnocentrism and the English dictionary, Routledge, London ‑ New York, 2001, 232 p. (Routledge studies in the history of linguistics, 3)


Bossé‑Andrieu, J. y R. P. Roberts, «Le Dictionnaire canadien bilingue, reflet d'une culture en évolution», Cahiers de lexicologie, 80, 1 (2002), 77‑88.


Brown, Sylvia, «Hard Words for the Ladies: The First English Dictionaries and the Question of Readership», en Gellerstam, Martin; Jeker Jäborg; Sven‑Göran Malmgren; Kerstin Norén; Lena Rogström y Catarina Röjder Pammehl (eds.), Euralex '96 Proceedings. Papers submitted to the Seventh EURALEX International Congress on Lexicography in Göteborg, Sweden, Göteborg University ‑ Department of Swedish, Göteborg, 1996, pág. 355‑363.


Christensen, Francis, «A Case for Webster's Third», Alumni Review [University of Southern California], (November 1962), 11‑13.


Christensen, Francis, «A Case for Webster's Third», en Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, pág. 22‑25. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Creswell, Thomas J. y Virginia McDavid, «The Usage Panel in The American Heritage Dictionary. Second College Edition», en Frawley, William y Roger Steiner (eds.), Advances in lexicography, Boreal Scholarly, Edmonton, 1986, pág. 83‑96. (Papers in Linguistics, 19)


Finegan, Edward, Attitudes toward English usage. The history of a war of words, Teachers College Press ‑ Columbia University, New York, 1980, 196 p.


Gold, David L., «The Debate over Webster's Third Twenty‑five Years Later: Winnowing the Chaff from the Grain», Dictionaries, 7 (1985), 225‑236.


Gove, Philip B. (ed.), The role of the dictionary, Bobbs‑Merrill, Indianapolis‑New York‑Kansas City, 1967, 67 p. (The Bobbs‑Merrill Series in Composition and Rhetoric, 2)


Green, Jonathon, «Dictionary wars», Critical Quarterly, 41, 1 (Spring 1999), 127‑131.


Greenbaum, Sidney; Charles Meyer y John Taylor, «The image of the dictionary for American college students», Dictionaries, 6 (1984), 31‑52.


Haebler, Ted, «The Reception of the Third New International Dictionary», Dictionaries, 11 (1989), 165‑218.


Hartmann, R. R. K., «Dictionaries of English: The User's Perspective», en Bailey, Richard W. (ed.), Dictionaries of English. Prospects for the record of our language, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor, MI, 1987, pág. 121‑135.


Hendrickson, R. H., «The Dictionary as Encyclopedia», en Wilson, Kenneth G.; R. H. Hendrickson y Peter Alan Taylor, Harbrace guide to dictionaries, Harcourt, Brace & World, New York‑Burlingame, 1963, pág. 161‑166.


Hoss, N., «Words: lexicography in America or why Texans don't shit», Penthouse, (January 1974), 36‑38.


Jost, David, «[Reseña a: Herbert C. Morton. The Story of Webster's Third: Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and its Critics]», Dictionaries, 18 (1997), 190‑197.


Knowles, Francis E., «Dictionaries for the People or for People?», en Kachru, Braj B. y Henry Kahane (eds.), Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary. Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1995, pág. 315‑326. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 64)


Landau, Sidney I., «The Expression of Changing Social Values in Dictionaries», Dictionaries, 7 (1985), 261‑269.


Landau, Sidney I., «The Expression of Changing Social Values in Dictionaries: Focus on Family Relationships», en Little, Greta D. y Michael Montgomery (eds.), Contennial Usage Studies, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, 1994, pág. 32‑39. (Publication of the American Dialect Society, 78)


Laughlin, Rosematy M., «The predecessors of That dictionary», American Speech, 42 (1967), 105‑113.


Layton, D., «Diction and Dictionaries in the Diffusion of Scientific Knowledge: an Aspect of the Popularization on Science», British Journal in the History of Science, 2 (1964‑1965), 221‑234.


McDavid, Raven I., «The Social Role of the Dictionary», en Congleton, J. E.; Edward Gates y Donald Hobar (eds.), Papers on Lexicography in Honor of Warren N. Cordell, Dictionary Society of North America and Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ind., 1979, pág. 17‑28.


McDavid, Raven I., «The Social Role of the Dictionary», en McDavid, Raven I. (ed.), Varieties of American English, Stanford University Press, Stanford [California], 1980, pág. 296‑309.


McDavid, Raven I. (Jr), «False scents and cold trails: the pre‑publication criticism of the Merriam Third», Journal of English Linguistics, 5 (1971), 101‑121.


Morton, Herbert C., The story of Webster's third. Philip Gove's controversial dictionary and its critics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ‑ New York, 1994, 332 p.


Morton, Herbert C., The story of Webster's third. Philip Gove's controversial dictionary and its critics, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ‑ New York, 1995, New ed. 348 p.


Penzl, Herbert, «18th Century American English according to Noah Webster», Dictionaries, 12 (1990), 15‑25.


Quirk, Randolph, «The image of the dictionary», en Quirk, Randolph, The linguist and the English language, Edward Arnold, London, 1974, pág. 148‑163.


Quirk, Randolph, «The social impact of dictionaries in the UK», en McDavid, Raven I. (Jr) y A. R. Duckert (eds.), Lexicography in English, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1973, pág. 76‑88. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 211)


Read, Allen Walker, «Suggestions for an Academy in England in the Latter Half of the Eighteenth Century», Modern Philology, 36 (1938), 145‑156.


Read, Allen Walker, «The Social Impact of Dictionaries in the United States», en McDavid, Raven I. (Jr) y Audrey R. Duckert (eds.), Lexicography in English, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1973, pág. 69‑75. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 211)


Read, Allen Walker, «The War of the Dictionaries in the Middle West», en Congleton, J. E.; J. Edward Gates y Donald Hobar (eds.), Papers on lexicography in honor of Warren N. Cordell, Dictionary Society of North America and Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ind., 1979, pág. 3‑16.


Riddell, James A., «Attitudes towards English Lexicography in the Seventeenth Century», en Congleton, J. E.; J. Edward Gates y Donald Hobar (eds.), Papers on lexicography in honor of Warren N. Cordell, Dictionary Society of North America and Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ind., 1979, pág. 83‑91.


Robinson, Jennifer, «The Dictionary as Witness», Dictionaries, 4 (1982), 110‑117.


Sledd, James, «Dollars and dictionaries. The limits of commercial lexicography», en Weinbrot, Howard D. (ed.), New aspects of lexicography. Literary criticism, intellectual history and social change [Riverside Conference on Lexicography], Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale ‑ Edwardsville ‑ London ‑ Amsterdam, 1972, pág. 119‑137.


Snyder, K. Alan, Defining Noah Webster: mind and morals in the early republic, University Press of America, Lanham, 1990, 421 p.


Solan, Lawrence, «When judges use the dictionary», American Speech, 68 (Spring 1993), 50‑57.


Steiner, Roger J., «The Bilingual Dictionary in Cross‑Cultural Contexts», en Kachru, Braj B. y Henry Kahane (eds.), Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary. Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1995, pág. 275‑280. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 64)


Story, G. M., «The Role of the Dictionary in Canadian English», en Lougheed, W. C. (ed.), In search of the standard in Canadian English, Strathy Language Unint ‑ Queen's University, Kingston [Ontario], 1986, (Occasional Papers, 1)


Twaddell, W. F., «Lexicography and people», en McDavid, Raven I. (Jr) y Audrey R. Duckert (eds.), Lexicography in English, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, 1973, pág. 214‑220. (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 211)


Ullstein, Bart, «The dictionary war», The Bookseller, (June 13, 1981), 2056‑2060.


Wells, Ronald A., Dictionaries and the authoritarian tradition. A study in English usage and lexicography, Mouton, The Hague, 1973, 129 p. (Janua linguarum. Series practica, 196)


Whitcut, Janet, «Taking It For Granted: Some Cultural Preconceptions in English Dictionaries», en Kachru, Braj B. y Henry Kahane (eds.), Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary. Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1995, pág. 253‑257. (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 64)


Wolk, Anthony, «Linguistic and Social Bias in the American Heritage Dictionary», College English, 33 (1972), 930‑935.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
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