
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez Historia de los diccionarios del inglés. Siglo XVIII. Samuel Johnson


Allen, Harold B., «Reactions in Johnson's Dictionary to Some of Shakespeare's vocabulary», en Hobar, Donald (ed.), Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America, 1977, Indiana State University for the Dictionary Society of North America, Terre Haute, 1982, pág. 1‑8.


An exhibition in honor of the 200th anniversary of the publication of Johnson's Dictionary, 15 April 1755, New York, 1955, 16 p.


Bate, Walter Jackson, Storming the main gate. The dictionary, from Samuel Johnson, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, New York, 1975, 43 p.


Cameron, William J., Dr. Johnson's dictionary. A report on research by students in the course research principles and practice in the humanities, under the direction of William J. Cameron, School of Library and Information Science‑University of Western Ontario, London [Ontario], 1970, 32 p. (Library and information studies, 9)


Clark, Jonathan, «A dictionary of the English language», History Today, 46 (December 1996), 55.


Clifford, James L., Dictionary Johnson. Samuel Johnson's middle years, McGraw‑Hill, New York, 1979, 372 p.


Clifford, James L., Dictionary Johnson. Samuel Johnson's middle years, McGraw‑Hill, New York, 1981, 371 p.


Collier, Alex, «Software for the Johnson Dictionary Project», en Wooldridge, T. Russon y Ian Lancashire (eds.), Informatique et dictionnaires anciens [Les bases de dictionnaires anciens. Early dictionary databases], Didier Érudition, Paris, 1995, pág. 197‑202. (Centre National de la recherche Scientifique. Publications de l'Institut National de la Langue Française. Dictionnairique et lexicographie, 3)


Congleton, J. E., «Callender's Attack on Johnson's Word‑List», en Anderson, Yeatman (ed.), Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1981, Indiana State University ‑ The Dictionary Society of North America, Terre Haute [Indiana], 1983, pág. 25‑41.


Congleton, J. E., «Pronunciation in Johnson's Dictionary», en Congleton, J. E.; J. Edward Gates y Donald Hobar (eds.), Papers on lexicography in honor of Warren N. Cordell, Dictionary Society of North America and Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Ind., 1979, pág. 59‑81.


Congleton, J. E. y Elizabeth C. Congleton, Johnson's Dictionary. Bibliographical survey 1746‑1984, with excerpts for all entries, Dictionary Society of North America, Terre Haute [Indiana], 1984, 98 p.


Considine, John, «The Lexicographer as Hero: Samuel Johnson and Henri Estienne.», Philological Quarterly, 79, 2 (2000), 205‑224.


DeMaria, Robert, Johnson's dictionary and the language of learning, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1986, 303 p.


DeMaria, Robert, Johnson's dictionary and the language of learning, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986, 303 p.


DeMaria, Robert, «The politics of Johnson's Dictionary», PMLA, 104 (January 1989), 64‑74.


Fernández Rodríguez, Carmen María, «La lexicografía anglosajona del XVIII y la búsqueda de la fijación del idioma: el Diccionario de la lengua inglesa de Samuel Johnson», en Campos Souto, Mar y José Ignacio Pérez Pascual (eds.), De historia de la lexicografía, Toxosoutos, Noia [A Coruña], 2002, pág. 79‑89. (Colección lingüística, 4)


Hardy, J. P., Dictionary Johnson, University of New England, Armidale, 1967, 21 p.


Hedrick, Elizabeth, «Fixing the language: Johnson, Chesterfield, and The plan of a dictionary», ELH, 55 (Summer 1988), 421‑442.


Hedrick, Elizabeth, «Locke's theory of language and Johnson's Dictionary», Eighteenth Century Studies, 20 (Summer 1987), 422‑444.


Horgan, A. D., Johnson on language. An introduction, Macmillan ‑ St. Martin's Press, London ‑ New York, 1994, 226 p.


Hüllen, Wener, «To interpret a language by itself is very difficult. Samuel Johnson and synonymy», en Scholz, S.; M. Klages; E. Hantson y U. Römer (eds.), Context and Cognition. Papers in Honour of Wolf‑Dietrich Bald's 60th Birthday, Langenscheidt‑Longman, München, 2002, pág. 171‑180.


Iamartino, Giovanni, «Dyer's and Burke's addenda and corrigenda to Johnson's Dictionary as clues to its contemporary reception», English Studies in Italy [Genova], 8, 2 (July‑Dec. 1995), 200‑248.


Jarvis, Simon, «Johnson's Authorities: The Professional Scholar and English Texts in Lexicography and Textual Criticism», en Jarvis, Simon, Scholars and gentlemen. Shakespearian textual criticism and representations of scholarly labour, 1725‑1765, Clarendon Press ‑ Oxford University Press, Oxford ‑ New York, 1995.


Johnson, Samuel, The plan of a dictionary, 1747, Scolar Press, Menston, 1970, 34 p.


[Johnson, Samuel, The plan of a dictionary of the English language. Addressed to the Right Honourable Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield, Printed for J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, C. Hitch; A. Miilar and R. Dodsley, London, 1747, 34 p.


[Johnson, Samuel, The plan of a dictionary of the English language. Addressed to the Right Honourable Philip Dormer, Earl of Chesterfield; one of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, Printed for J. & P. Knapton, T. Longman and T. Shewell, C. Hitch; A. Miilar and R. Dodsley, London, 1755, 37 p.


Johnson, Samuel, «The Plan of a Dictionary of the English Language», en Hartmann, R. R. K. (ed.), Lexicography. Critical Concepts. Volume I. Dictionaries, Compilers, Critics and Users, Routledge, London ‑ New York, 2003, pág. 29‑44.


Kezar, Dennis Dean (Jr), «Radical letters and male genealogies in Johnson's Dictionary», Studies in English Literature 1500‑1900, 35 (Summer 1995), 493‑517.


Littlejohn, David, Dr. Johnson and Noah Webster; two men & their dictionaries. Illustrated with a matched pair of original leaves from A dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson (1755) and An American dictionary of the English language by Noah Webster (1828), Book Club of California, San Francisco, 1971, 84 p. (Book Club of California. Publication no. 139.


Lorenzo, Emilio, «Samuel Johnson, lexicógrafo», ABC [Madrid], (23 diciembre 1984), VIII.


Lorenzo, Emilio, «Samuel Johnson, lexicógrafo», Yelmo, 64‑65 (1985), 34‑36.


Lubbers‑van der Brugge, C., Johnson and Baretti. Some aspects of eighteenth‑century literary life in England and Italy, J. B. Wolters, Groningen, 1951, (Groningen Studies in English, 2)


McDermott, Anne, «The defining language: Johnson's dictionary and Macbeth», The Review of English Studies, 44 (November 1993), 521‑538.


McDermott, Anne, «The Intertextual Web of Johnson's Dictionary and the Concept of Authorship», CCH Working Papers, 4 (1994).


McLaverty, James, «From definition to explanation: Locke's influence on Johnson's Dictionary», Journal of the History of Ideas, 47 (July‑September 1986), 377‑394.


Misenheimer, James B. (Jr) y Robert K. O'Neill, «Dr. Johnson, Warren Cordell, and the love of books», Dictionaries, 5 (1983), 1‑21.


Muñoz, Carme, «Las enseñanzas de Samuel Johnson», Anuari de Filologia. Secció A. Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya, 18, 6 (1995), 93‑100.


Osselton, N. E., «Dr. Johnson and the English Phrasal Verb», en Ilson, Robert (ed.), Lexicography. An emerging international profession, Manchester University Press ‑ Fulbright Commission, Manchester ‑ Dover ‑ London, 1986, pág. 7‑16. (The Fulbright Papers: Proceedings of Colloquia, I)


Osselton, Noel, «Dr. Johnson and the Spelling of dispatch», International Journal of Lexicography, 7, 4 (Winter 1994), 307‑310.


Reddick, Allen Hilliard, The Making of Johnson's dictionary. 1746‑1773, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge ‑ New York, 1990, 249 p. (Cambridge studies in publishing and printing history.


Reddick, Allen Hilliard, The Making of Johnson's dictionary. 1746‑1773, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, rev. ed. XXI + 252 p. (Cambridge studies in publishing and printing history.


Sledd, James H. y Gwin Kolb, Dr. Johnson's Dictionary: Essays in the Biography of a Book, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1955, 255 p.


Stein, Gabriele, «Word‑Formation in Dr. Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language», Dictionaries, 6 (1984), 66‑112.


Wechselblatt, Martin, «The pathos of example: professionalism and colonialization in Johnson's "preface" to the Dictionary», Yale Journal of Criticism, 9 (Fall 1996), 381‑403.


Wimsatt, William K. (Jr), Philosophic words. A study of style and meaning in the Rambler and Dictionary of Samuel Johnson, Archon Books, Hamden [Conn.], 1968, 167 p.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

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Facultad de Filología
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