
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez Pronunciación en diccionarios. Generalidades


Abercrombie, David, «The indication of pronunciation in reference books», en Strevens, Peter (ed.), In Honour of A. S. Hornby, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1978, pág. 119‑126.


Blatná, Renata, «Intonational and Stress Deviations from the Norm and their Reflection in Dictionaries», Slovo a Slovesnost, LIV, 3 (1993), 161‑164.


Booij, Geert, «The codification of phonological, morphological, and syntactic information», en van Sterkenburg, Piet (ed.), A Practical Guide to Lexicography, John Benjamins, Amsterdam‑Philadelphia, 2003, pág. 251‑259. (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 6)


Bronstein, A. J., «Extending the treatment of pronunciation entries in general dictionaries», en Martin, Willy; W. Meijs; M. Moerland; E. ten Pas; P. van Sterkenburg y P. Vossen (eds.), Euralex 1994 proceedings. Papers submitted to the 6th Euralex International Congress on Lexicography in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1994, pág. 619‑628.


De Caluwe, Johan y Ariane van Santen, «Phonological, morphological and syntactic specifications in monolingual dictionaries», en van Sterkenburg, Piet (ed.), A Practical Guide to Lexicography, John Benjamins, Amsterdam‑Philadelphia, 2003, pág. 71‑82. (Terminology and Lexicography Research and Practice, 6)


Gimson, A. C., «Phonetics and the Compilation of Dictionaries», The Incorporated Linguist, 15 (1976), 35‑40.


Lurquin, G., «The orthophonic dictionary», en Goetschalckx, J. y L. Rolling (eds.), Lexicography in the Electronic Age. Proceedings of a Sympositum held in Luxembourg, 7‑9 July 1981, North‑Holland, Amsterdam‑New York, 1982, pág. 99‑107.


Rhodes, Richard, «Lexicography and Ojibwa Vowel Deletion», Canadian Journal of Linguistics, 30 (1985), 453‑471.


Sharf, D. J., «The communicative aspect of dictionary pronunciations», Journal Comm., 15, 2 (1965), 100‑109.

ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología - Universidad de A Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de A Coruña
Campus da Zapateira
15071 A Coruña

  • T. +34 981 167 000, ext. 4703
    F. +34 981 167 151
    lexicogr @ udc . es