
Bibliografía temática de la lexicografía

Compilación: Félix Córdoba Rodríguez


02.01. Bibliografías de diccionarios. Generales


Alston, R. C., Polyglot dictionaries and grammars. Treatises on English written for speakers of French, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Persian, Bengali and Russian, Ernest Cummins, Bradford, 1967, 331 p. (A bibliography of the English language from the invention fo the printing to the year 1800, II)


Amsler, Robert A., «Machine‑readable dictionaries», en Williams, M. E. (ed.), Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, Knowledge Industry Publications, Asis, 1984, pág. 161‑209. (Knowledge Industry Publications, 19)


Brewer, Annie M. (ed.), Dictionaries, encyclopedias and other word‑related books, 1965‑1974, Gale, Detroit, 1975.


Brewer, Annie M. (ed.), Dictionaries, encyclopedias and other word‑related books, Gale Research, Detroit, 1988, 4th ed. 2 vol.


Cameron, William J., «Browsing Files for Dictionary Scholars», en Michell, Gillian (ed.), Papers of the Dictionary Society of North America 1979, School of Library and Information Science ‑ University of Western Ontario, London [Ontario], 1981, pág. 81‑108.


Carpenter, Gladys R., Foreign language‑English dictionaries. 1. Special subject dictionaries with emphasis on science and technology, Library of Congress ‑ Reference Department ‑ General Reference and Bibliography Division, Washington, 1955, VI + 246 p.


Carpenter, Gladys R., Foreign language‑English dictionaries. 2. General language dictionaries, Library of Congress ‑ Reference Department ‑ General Reference and Bibliography Division, Washington, 1955, VI + 239 p.


Collison, Robert L., Dictionaries of foreign languages: a bibliographic guide to general and technical dictionaries of the chief foreign languages, with historical and explanatory notes and references, Hafner, New York, 1955.


Collison, Robert L., Dictionaries of foreign languages: a bibliographic guide to general and technical dictionaries of the chief foreign languages, with historical and explanatory notes and references, Hafner, New York, 1971, 2ª ed.


Collison, Robert L., Encyclopedias, their history throughout the ages, a bibliographical guide..., Hafner, New York‑London, 1964.


Collison, Robert L., Encyclopedias, their history throughout the ages, a bibliographical guide..., New York, 1966, 2nd ed.


Cop, Margaret, Babel unravelled. An annotated world bibliography of dictionary bibliographies, 1658‑1988, Max Niemeyer, Tübingen, 1990, (Lexicographica. Series Maior, 36)


Cop, Margaret, «Bibliography of Dictionary Bibliographies», en Hausmann, Franz Josef; Oskar Reichmann; Ernst Wiegand y Ladislav Zgusta (eds.), Wörterbücher / Dictionaries / Dictionnaires. Ein internationales Handbuch zur Lexikographie / An International Encyclopedia of Lexicography / Enciclopédie internationale de lexicographie, 3, De Gruyter, Berlin‑New York, 1991, pág. 3168‑3177.


Dalby, Andrew, A Guide to World Language Dictionaries, Library Association Publishing, London, 1998, 470 pages.


Fuller, Grace Hadley y Florence Hellman, (comp., ed.), Foreign language‑English dictionaries, Library of Congress, Washington, 1942, 132 p.


Haensch, G. y E. Lederer, «Bibliografía de diccionarios especializados bilingües y multilingües», Español Actual, 10 (1967), 24‑27.


Haensch, G. y E. Lederer, «Bibliografía de diccionarios especializados bilingües y multilingües», Español Actual, 11 (1967), 26‑30.


Haensch, G. y E. Lederer, «Bibliografía de diccionarios especializados bilingües y multilingües», Español Actual, 9 (1967), 43‑46.


Infoterm, International bibliography of terminological literature, TermNet, Wien, 1989, 284 p. (TermNet bibliographical series, 1)


Koda, Paul S., A Short‑Title Catalogue of the Warren N. & Suzanne B. Cordell Collection of Dictionaries, 1475‑1900, Cunningham Memorial Library ‑ Indiana State University, Terre Haute, 1975.


Lengenfelder, Helga (ed.), International Bibliography of Specialized Dictionaries. Fachwörterbücher und Lexica. Ein internationales Verzeichnis, München, 1979, 6. Ausgabe. (Handbuch der internationalen Dokumentation und Information, 4)


Masin, Anton, Fifteenth‑Century Linguistic and Lexicographical Works in the Cordell Collection. Exhibition Catalogue, Friends of the Cunningham Memorial Library ‑ Indiana State University, Terre Haute, 1986, 13 p.


Pàmies Bertràn, Antonio y José Luis Sánchez‑Lafuente Valencia, Diccionarios técnicos multilingües: catálogo de recursos terminológicos de la Escuela Universitaria de Traductores e Intérpretese de Granada, Comares, Granada, 1990, 186 p. (Biblioteca Comares de ciencia jurídica)


Pamies Bertrán, Antonio; José Luis Sánchez‑Lafuente; María Luisa Martínez Osorio et al., «FTI‑Traduc. Bibliografía sobre Traducción, Terminología, Lingüística Aplicada, Interpretación, y otras materias afines / Bibliography on translation, terminology, applied linguistics, interpreting, and other related topics», en Pamies, Antonio y Frank Wanning (eds.), TLT Tempus Language Toobox, Método ‑ ETF, Granada ‑ Hannover, 2000, pág. CD‑ROM [ / ].


Pavel, S., Bibliographie de la phraséologie (1905‑1992), Réseau International de Néologie et de Terminologie, Montréal, 1993.


Quemada, Bernard y K. Menemencioglu, Répertoire des dictionnaires scientifiques et tecniques monolingues et multilingues, 1950‑1975, Conseil International de la Langue Française, Paris, 1978, IX + 590 p.


Rechenbach, C. W. y E. R. Garnet (eds.), A bibliography of scientific, technical and specialized dictionaries, polyglott, bilingual, unilingual, Washington, 1969.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1945‑1961, 1, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1965, XXXII + 248 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1962‑1964, 2, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1968, XXXII + 166 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1965‑1966, 3, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1969, XXVIII + 110 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1967‑1968, 4, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1970, XXVIII + 100 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1969‑1970, 5, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1972, XXVIII + 132 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1971‑1972, 6, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1974, XXVIII + 117 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1973‑1974, 7, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1976, XXVIII + 133 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1975‑1976, 8, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1978, XXVIII + 141 p.


Rymsza‑Zalewska, Danuta y I. Siedlecka (eds.), Bibliografia slownikow / Bibliographie der Wörterbücher / Bibliography of Dictionaries / Bibliografia slovarej [...] Bibliography of dictionaries published in Bulgarian People's Republic, Chinese People's Republic, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic, Hungarian People's Republic, Polish People's Republic, Rumanian People's Republic, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1977‑1978, 9, Wydawnictwa Naukowo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1981, XXVIII + 155 p.


Sabourin, Conrad F., Computational lexicology and lexicography. Dictionaries, thesauri, term banks, analysis, transfer and generation dictionaries, machine readable dictionaries, lexical semantics, lexicon grammars. Bibliography, Infolingua, Montréal, 1994, 2 v, 1030 p. (Infolingua series in linguistics, informatics, communications, 3.1‑2)


Swiggers, P. y M. Janse, «Les dictionnaires de terminologie linguistique: bibliographie systématique», Meta. Journal des Traducteurs, 36, 4 (1991), 647‑652.


Tannenbaum, Earl, A Checklist of the Cordell Collection of Dictionaries in the Cunningham Memorial Library, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, 1971.


Tonelli, Giorgio, A short‑title list of (two hundred) subject dictionaries of the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries as aids to the history of ideas, The Warburg Institute (University of London), London, 1971, (Warburg Institute Surveys, IV)


Tremblay, F., Bibliotheca lexicologiae Medii Aevi. Les lexiques au Moyen ge, 2‑3, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewisten ‑ Queenston ‑ Lampeter, 1989.


Tremblay, F., Bibliotheca lexicologiae Medii Aevi. Les manuscrits lexicographiques, 7‑8, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewisten ‑ Queenston ‑ Lampeter, 1989.


Vancil, David E. (comp.), Catalog of Dictionaries, Word Books and Philological Texts, 1440‑1900. Inventory of the Cordell Collection, Indiana State University, Greenwood Press, Westport [Connecticut] ‑ London, 1993, 397 p. (Bibliographies and Indexes in Library and Information Science, 7)


Vancil, David E., Incunable Dictionaries. A Checklist and Publishing History, Indiana State University ‑ Cunningham Memorial Library, Terre Haute, 1993, 223 p.


Verd, Gabriel María, «Bibliografía internacional de diccionarios inversos», Lexicographica, 8 (1992), 318‑340.


Zaunmüller, Wolfram, Bibliographisches Handbuch der Sprachwörterbücher. Ein internationales Verzeichnis von 5600 Wörterbüchern der Jahre 1460‑1958 für mehr als 500 Sprachen und Dialekte. An annotated bibliography of language dictionaries. Bibliographie critique des dictionnaires linguistiques, Hafner ‑ Anton Hiersemann, New York ‑ London ‑ Stuttgart, 1958.


ISBN: 978-84-695-6804-0
© Félix Córdoba Rodríguez, 2003
Grupo de lexicografía
Facultade de Filoloxía - Universidade da Coruña
Adiciones, correcciones, etc.:   felix . cordoba @ udc . es    

Grupo de Lexicografía
Facultad de Filología
Universidad de A Coruña
Campus da Zapateira
15071 A Coruña

  • T. +34 981 167 000, ext. 4703
    F. +34 981 167 151
    lexicogr @ udc . es